Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
My Friend's Restaurant

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Thanks for the Music, Michael.
In what was one of the most heart wrenching event in the history of modern television, the world said goodbye to the undisputed King of Pop, the late Michael Joseph Jackson.
Thanks for sharing your creative talent, your joy and your music with us, MJ.
You left the world a better place with your efforts.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful Employees
1. Start your work at 10am
Even though you come in the morning at 8am, spend some time doing things that are not related to your work first. Go down for breakfast, and have someone to chat with about last week’s Manchester United 4-0 thumping of Arsenal. Spend as much as half an hour in the pantry, drinking coffee while looking out through the office window. When reaching your desk, grab and read a newspaper first. Or go visit your favourite networking websites e.g. Friendster, MySpace, Facebook and so on before commencing your real work.
2. Only do things that you are asked to do and those within your job scope
That’s right. You are too preoccupied to do anything else. Never go the extra miles and never volunteer to do tasks which are out of your responsibilities. When asked, just tell your colleagues or your boss, “Clearly, this is not in my job description. Here is my job description; you can go through it and confirm it.” Why doing extra work, since the pay is the same? They are not going to pay you any extra allowance or incentive anyway, so why bother?
3. Submit your report 2 days after the dateline
This is a sure-fire way to stamp your position as a below-average employee. When asked for reason why the report is late, come out with 5-7 excuses that will shut your boss’ mouth. For sure, your list of excuses are convincing enough - your house was on fire, your car broke down, you lost your cat, your laptop got stolen, you have uncle’s family visiting and so on. What can your boss do? At most, give you a warning letter. So, not a pretty big deal. You won’t lose your job, yet.
4. Complain a lot
Complain about your salary, since the amount is considered peanut compared to the living standard you are living in. Complain about your year end bonus. How come you get half month bonus while most of your colleagues got 3 to 4 month bonuses? After all, you come at 8am in the morning like everybody else. Why should your reward be any different? Complain about the nonexistence of team work in your team when the fact is that you are the weakest link. It is time to scapegoat. For sure, you can’t be that scapegoat, so let’s point to someone else.
5. Gossip - a lot
Yes, I heard you. What more can brighten your day other than gossiping? Gossip about your boss’ affair with the cleaning lady working next door. Gossip about Spice Girls re-uniting. Also, remember to involve in office politic. A lot. Tell your colleague next to you why you should be promoted instead of Tom, who sits opposite of you. This is imperative since Tom is a high achiever and has the edge against you, who is there just to make up numbers. So, badmouth a lot. This is a good exercise for you, as in some way it sharpens your sales and persuasion skills!
6. Take 2 hour lunch
Instead of 1 hour, take 2 hour lunch. As a matter of fact, the longer it is the better. You don’t want to be stuck in your office doing something that you don’t like, do you? And don’t forget to take as many breaks as possible. At least take breaks three times per day - morning break, lunch and tea break in the afternoon. There is no reason for you to be too attached to the company you are working with since it is not your own company. So why should you care the amount of time you really do your work?
7. Engage in other business during working hours
Since your salary is only that much, then you need to find ways to get more or additional income. What better way then selling stuff to your colleagues? After all, you bump into them countless number of times everyday, 5 days per week. They are your biggest prospects. Sell your Amway products after the weekly morning meeting. Sign them up with your insurance company provider before dashing off to meet clients. Yes, you may get caught by your employer. But don’t forget you have a very strong reason for that - they rejected your request for salary increment!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Freedom is the Right for All Sentient Beings..
Fiat Justitia Ruat Coelum!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
December 26th, 2006 by whatdayisittoday
Hi all..
Since I work at night nowadays, I normally miss my EPL matches.. I
know, I know.. Waste of time, 22 men chasing 1 ball, (and my dad’s fav)
It’s all a scam!, etc.. But the point is, that’s all that I’d really like
to watch on the telly nowadays..
Well, the Reds lost away (Again!!) tonite, but on a positive note they
actually created a lot of chances.. I have Soccernet’s GameCast on all
night as the folks down at the Beer Garden were watching the MU game,
speaking of which, Ronaldo scored a brace, and there goes my Yahoo
Fantasy league rankings, as I thought he was way overpriced and
overhyped.. * looking at the floor*
Credit to Fergie, the boy can really play, ok..
The thing is that the Beer Garden is manned by a Siamese/Kelantanese
guy who really looks like a ‘gedebe’ (not to be confused gedebab, which
is what I call my little boy..) or a gangster. This guy drinks too many
Buds and is a Dunhill chain smoker, and appears to be your
run-of-the-mill sports junkie..
So the first time I went to the place a couple of weeks back, it was
sharp at 11.00 pm, I was hyped up with anticipation of high-octane EPL
action on the bigscreen with the volume cranked up to ear-bleeding
levels.. Guess what?
There he was, the Bud sipping specimen of the male specie, watching - A BOLLYWOOD TEAR-JERKER!!
Oh My God..
I nearly bled kicking the bar stool..
Well no offense to all you Hindustani movie lover out there, but on a Saturday Nite, in a bar? Not funny.
Essien’s own goal? FUNNNEEEE.. (I just HAD to say that out..)
You know what’s funny? It’s the fact that you expect to find all your
mates by googling them.. And by thinking that you’re gonna send that
e-mail once you’ve find them (if ever..), or ask them out for a drink..
DId a Friendster search on my primary school mates, and it struck me
that I don’t remember any of them.. I actually did bump into a couple
of my secondary school mates once in a while, and it was so, so
convenient to just forget them and to re’lose contact’, to borrow a
favourite phrase.. It hits me that the feeling was mutual as I go to
the same open houses every year, and I hang out with the same crowd all
the time..
My theory is that those who are not within your daily domain, will not
get into it, as how those e-mails in your Outlook archives that you
treasure so much are really bytes of crap in the Exchange Server
waiting to be purged out, and since you don’t remember what they are
about anyway, it’s better for you to save your company’s disk space by
clearing your inbox and get that nagging Admin ‘You have exceeded disk
space’ message out of the way..
To know whether something is useful or not, try this personal tip:
1. Close your eyes
2. Ask yourself whether would your life be affected in any way if you lose that thing or not
- Don’t be complicated, be reasonable and you’ll definitely have a better, clutter free life..
(Now this works while shopping as well, but do it BEFORE you purchase something.. and NO, your virginity is not included..)
More of the same tomorrow as I have work to do..
Friday, June 5, 2009
A Good Start, Mr. President!
I am in the view that the Palestine-Israel conflict has nothing to do with religion. Sure, it serves as a motivation for certain quarters, but in principle, it is about rightful ownership of the land.
I wouldn’t be happy if someone chased me out of my own home and turn it into their own. No one would.
If peace is to prevail, Obama has to go where no other person has ever gone before, and that is into the deep abyss of confusion, hatred and mistrust between both parties.
As much as the Arabs/Iranians want, they can’t just wipe out Israel from the face of the planet. Pro Zionists also needs to accommodate the fundamental right to human survival of the Palestinians. Obama is right to assert that we have differences, but we also have our common denominators, like enjoying a peaceful lifetime.
The more we dwell on our differences, the less time we have to move forward due to the friction that hatred and frustration breeds.
I am a Muslim with a really good friend who is Jewish. I’ve been to a synagogue, and in awe of the similarities that we have. I also have Hindu, Christian and Buddhist friends. Our differences allow us to deepen our faith by knowing that the Creator has created us to know and learn from one another.
From the Bible:
“God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear [reverence] Him and do what is right”1 (Acts 10:34-35 NIV
From the Holy Qur’an:
“O Humankind! We have created you from male and female and have made you into peoples (shu‘ub) and tribes (qaba’il) that you may know one another; truly, the noblest (akram) among you before God are the most pious (atqa) among yourselves; indeed, is God the All-knowing, the All-seeing.” (49:13)
Hopefully the future is bright for the brotherhood of mankind.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My Question to Rafa..
So, would you please consider NOT SHAVING it until we win the league? Me and my pals all agree that your goatee deserves credit for our blistering start this season, and should be honorably dubbed as "the 13th Man". Feedback to our humble suggestion is greatly appreciated.