Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kancil Trouble Again..

Ever since the RM400++ repair of the engine block, my wife's kancil has not been the same. The engine sounds very brash, the cooling fan doesn't spin when the air cond is turned off and worst of all, the fuel consumption has increased significantly.

Compared to my new IAFM Persona, which gets around RM0.14 per km, my kancil now is only getting about 400km per full tank - 28 litres. That's roughly RM0.17 per km, and 400km is really the ultimate limit. It used to get 450km in the past, now realistically, 375km is the norm.

So, I should be sending the kancil to an authorized service centre anytime soon, and hopefully, after minor repairs and part replacements, the efficiency should slightly improve, failing which, I am looking at throwing in a new (read: halfcut) Mira L2, or even a normal 660 c.c engine as a replacement.

From memory, these are the things that need replacement:

1. Shock absorbers
2. Tyres
3. Oil & Filter
4. Air Filter
5. Dust arm cover
6. Brake pads

Let's just see, what's the cost going to be like..

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