Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back in the Game..

It's been a while since I've written anything or posted anything here. Not because I didn't want to, but because when I wanted to, I just can't.

The Blackberry on Maxis' EDGE network sucks, and the default web browser on the device also sucks for reading blogs as it's not optimized to display it. So, that's my excuse.

The other reason is Facebook.

This monster of a social phenomenon have been taking time out of people's life like the IRS/B would take money from your paycheck. Swift and uncontrollable. People just spend hours and hours, playing games on them, tracking old flames, and even looking (stalking?) at other people's pictures in hundreds of albums. As a subset of the Internet, it would rate as the most dilatory tool ever created by mankind.

It also opens a new can of worms on the intrusion of privacy, as well as a million more possibilities for would be identity thieves to prey upon.

Notwithstanding, there are all sorts of new tweaks on its own Privacy Controls, that some are not even known to its users until a big rumpus is created by privacy watch-groups across the world.

My current job allows me the liberty of actually looking at my companies web traffic log once in a while and I have to say that most of the slacking employees ARE big Facebook users.

But, while trying to find the champion, an entry was found that left all other users trailing in its wake.

It was the HR Recruiter. Sheesh!

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